Curriculum Planning
built 1025 days ago
The eighth edition of Curriculum Planning is a selection of readings that presents the knowledge, skills, and alternative strategies needed by curriculum planners and teachers at all levels of education, from early childhood through adulthood. The book offers a variety of learning experiences for students with wide-ranging interests, learning styles, and backgrounds.
In addition to the Curriculum Planning Council, many districts find it helpful to organize a Citizens’ Advisory Council. The Citizens’ Advisory Council is made up of parent and community representatives who reflect the community’s diversity and who report to the board. The central office administrator in charge of curriculum is usually an ex-officio member of this group. In some smaller districts, this council is made up of a committee of the board representing community viewpoints. However, if the members are not board members, they are usually appointed by the school board and serve in an advisory capacity to the board.
To support Curriculum Planning, this section of Guiding Learning Communities includes the following four processes. The timeframes are intended as a guide only and may be adapted to suit particular needs of the participants.
In organizing for curriculum planning, a Curriculum Planning Council will be needed. The Curriculum Planning Council, chaired by the central office administrator, is responsible for the planning and development phase of the curriculum process and for overseeing all other phases dealing with curriculum. The members of the council can be selected from teacher and administrative groups representing the various instructional levels and subject areas in the district and a representative of the Board of Education. It is important that these representatives be key communicators who can exchange information with the district council. The council’s role is to assist the central office chair of the council in coordinating the curriculum activities.
Good Practice
Curriculum Development
Most educators frequently revise and update their course or experiment with new approaches to make the teaching and learning process more effective and enjoyable. However, systematic curriculum review of a program falls outside the expertise of nearly all university faculty.
The CTL can help you with the process:
As you structure your curriculum development proposal
As you implement the curricular change
As you monitor/assess the impact of the change