§ Jesus: The life and teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels form the basis of Christianity, see also Ministry of Jesus.
In the case of Reformational philosophy the law-idea of Creation in relation to Fall and Redemption clarifies the understanding of the exceptional role of Jesus the Christ in Creation through the law-modalities that set the conditions of existence for all creatures. There is no record of any writing by Jesus, nor of any systematic philosophy or theology in the formal sense. Several accounts of his life and many of his teachings are recorded in the New Testament, and form the basis for some Christian philosophies.
§ St. Paul: Saul of Tarsus was a Jew who persecuted the early Christian church and who helped to facilitate the martyrdom of St Stephen, a Greek-speaking Jewish-Christian. Saul underwent a dramatic conversion. He became a Christian leader who wrote a number of epistles, or letters, to early churches, in which he taught doctrine and theology. In some ways he functioned in the manner of the popular marketplace philosophers of his day (Cynics, Skeptics, and some Stoics). A number of his speeches and debates with Greek philosophers are recorded in the Biblical book of Acts. His letters became a significant source for later Christian philosophies. See also Paul of Tarsus and Judaism.
 St. Augustine's Press | | | | Amazingly, no one ever seems to have looked at Jesus as a philosopher, or his teaching as philosophy. Yet no one in history has ever had a more radically new philosophy, or made more of a difference to philosophy, than Jesus. He divided all human history into two, into "B.C." and "A.D."; and the history of philosophy is crucial to human history, since philosophy is crucial to man; so how could He not also divide philosophy? This book (1) looks at Jesus as a complete human being (as well as divine), therefore also as a philosopher; (2) looks at philosophy as Jesus' pre-modern contemporaries did, as a wisdom, a world-view, and a way of life rather than as a super-science (Descartes, Hegel) or as a servant-science (Hobbes, Hume); and (3) looks at philosophy in light of Jesus rather than at Jesus in light of philosophy. It explores the consequences of Etienne Gilson's point that when St. John brought Christianity and Greek philosophy into contact and identified the Messiah the Jews had most deeply sought with the logos that the Greeks had most deeply sought, nothing happened to Christ but something happened to the logos. This book explores the most radical revolution in the history of philosophy, the differences Jesus made to metaphysics (the philosophy of being), to epistemology (the philosophy of knowing), to anthropology (the philosophy of man), and to philosophical ethics and politics. And, besides, it has the greatest ending of any philosophy book in a century. Contents Introduction 1: Who Is It For? Introduction 2: How Is Jesus a Philosopher? Introduction 3: What Are the Four Great Questions of Philosophy? I. Jesus’ Metaphysics (What is real?) * Jesus’ Jewish Metaphysics * Jesus’ New Name for God * The Metaphysics of Love * The Moral Consequences of Metaphysics * Sanctity as the Key to Ontology * The Metaphysics of “I AM” II. Jesus’ Epistemology (How do we know what is real?) III. Jesus’ Anthropology (Who are we who know what is real?) IV. Jesus’ Ethics (What should we be to be more real?) * Christian Personalism: Seeing “Jesus only” * Jesus and Legalism * Jesus and Relativism * Jesus and the Secret of Moral Success * Jesus and Sex * Jesus and Social Ethics: Solidarity * Jesus and Politics: Is He Left or Right? Conclusion Index Peter Kreeft, Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, is author of over forty books, including two from St. Augustine’s Press, Socratic Logic and The Sea Within. | |
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| The Philosophy of Jesus PETER KREEFT 168 pages, 4¼” x 7”, clothbound, $17.00 ISBN: 978-1-58731-635-7 introductions, notes, indexes world rights publication date: March 2007 | | |